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“The recent residency from the Wildworks team was a highlight of the autumn term at Five Islands Academy.” – Jeremy Brown – chair of governors & Alan Craig – arts lead – Five Islands Academy

Children from Five Islands Academy on St Marys, Isles of Scilly,  worked with artists from Wildworks to explore what it is we treasure as part of the Hello Stranger project. Taking inspiration from the ancient burial of the Warrior woman on Bryher, buried with a sword and mirror, the children brought objects that connected then to places they loved and precious moments in their lives.

With Filmmaker Hana Backland, Writer Callum Mitchell, Sound Artist and Musican Roger Luxton, with additional Direction from Kyla Goodey, the children created a short film, filled with their imagery, songs and words. Filmed and directed by the young people, this work celebrates the past and looks to the future, and asks, what do we value and take with us?

Many of the children taking part had seen Stranger Beasts at Geevor, so could build on their understanding of how and why Wildworks makes work in a particular way, sharing the tools in creating new work themselves.

The culmination of this work is a short film that was shared with friends and families and hopes to be featured in the new museum, in digital QR form connected to the exhibits of the warrior.

This Five Islands School collaboration is part of the Hello Stranger project led by Wildworks and is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Arts Council England.